Imagine (Fuzed Trilogy Book 2) Read online

Page 13

  Tim didn’t smile. “I’m aware of that group. You believe your friend might be part of it?”

  Armani shook his head. “He wasn’t my friend, and it’s really just conjecture on my part, but if he is involved, he wouldn’t be part of it ... he’d be the leader. He’s a strong personality.”

  Tim nodded. “Do you know where Bentley is?”

  “We never stayed in touch.” He paused. “But I know some people that might still have a connection with him.”

  Tim pushed a tablet across to him.

  Armani looked in his phone and then transferred several names and numbers.

  They thanked Armani for his time, and reminded him not to share their conversation with anyone.

  As they got in the car, Josh said, “Actually Batman, that was kind of fun, but I think he was hiding something.”

  “Obviously, but he’s not going anywhere, and we’ll have his communications monitored.”

  Josh nodded. “So, what do you know about this Spector group?”

  “Cyber terrorism isn’t my area, but they hacked a nuclear power plant in France that caused a blackout. The only thing I’m sure of is that Spector has managed to make both the CIA’s and the FBI’s threat list.”

  “So you think they could be behind all this?”

  Tim frowned. “It doesn’t fit their M.O. as environmental extremists, but terrorist groups and even organized crime often contract with hackers. It’s a promising lead.”

  Josh asked, “Why would they be interested in me?”

  “Have you been recycling?”

  Incredulous, Josh said, “You actually made a joke!”

  After flying back to D.C. that evening, they went straight to CIA Headquarters.

  As soon as they arrived, someone handed Tim a folder and said, “We found where he lives.”

  Smiling, Josh asked, “Hollowed-out volcano in the south pacific?”

  Looking in the folder, Tim said, “Close ... Beverly Hills.” He showed Josh aerial photos of a large Mediterranean-style house with decorative pools and a tennis court, adding, “It’s 15,000 square feet on 10 acres.”

  Josh gave a low whistle. “I’m guessing this guy isn’t going to want to talk to us. We’re going to need a subpoena or search warrant or something, aren’t we?”

  Tim said, “That would be handy ... if we had evidence.” Heading toward the door he continued, “Our flight leaves in an hour.”



  It was 10 pm as Josh and Tim came out of the LAX terminal into a warm, hazy Southern California evening.

  At the passenger pickup area, Tim looked around. He nodded toward a white van on the other side of the street. “Our ride.”

  It was a long, white Mercedes delivery van with “Jack’s Appliance Repair” on the side. As they approached, the sliding door opened. They climbed inside. Josh saw a multitude of electronics and monitors that looked like a mini “Mission Control.” In the driver’s seat, was a young athletic-looking man with blond hair. Sitting on a small couch, that faced the sliding door, was a man and a woman. Both were in their fifties, wore glasses and looked like English professors.

  Tim, not very imaginatively, introduced them as Peter, Paul and Mary.

  They all nodded, as Josh said, “Love your music.”

  Only the woman smiled. She said to the driver, “Let’s go.” Turning to Tim, she began, “Job looks straight forward. They’re using a standard commercial security system. However, considering the occupation of our mark — I mean suspect — there’s the possibility he could have some non-standard security software or other surprises.”

  Tim nodded. “Backup power?”

  Paul said, “Regular diesel generator. We can delay its start, but with all that computer equipment, he’ll have battery backups inside.”

  Josh asked, “Won’t they have battery backups on the security cameras too?”

  Paul, with some disdain, said, “Of course, but we know how to take care of that.”

  Mary continued, “He has two full-time security guards. One usually watches the monitors while the other one roves the grounds, but they spend most of their time in the kitchen.”

  Tim asked, “What do we know about the guards?”

  “No military or law enforcement background.” She handed him a small file, adding, “Heavily armed, muscle-bound, mall cops.” She paused. “However, there are four well-trained Rottweilers, and they do roam free.”

  Tim nodded. “Patterns?”

  Paul said, “Haven’t had much surveillance time, but Bentley’s a night owl. He usually stays inside after midnight and the guards do too. We hid IR cameras around the periphery of the estate so we can monitor everything around the house. ”

  Mary said, “Recommend a midnight visit while the dogs are being fed.”

  An hour and a half later, they parked outside Bentley’s estate. Surrounding the property was a tall, ornate but fully functional, security fence. Tim gave Josh a small briefcase to carry. They left the van and stood in the shadows just across the street from the estate’s main gate.

  Josh whispered, “Looks more like the Godfather’s house. You’d think he’d at least pretend to be environmentally conscious.”

  Tim said, “Let’s save him some energy.” Into his throat mic, he said, “Ready when you are.”

  In Josh’s headset, he heard Mary respond, “One of the guards is feeding the dogs at the back of the house. Recommend entering through the door on the eastern side. Soon as the guard goes inside, we’ll cut the power.”

  A few seconds later, she said, “Lights out in five seconds.”

  On schedule, the property and house lights flickered and went out. Tim pushed the gate open, and they walked through. Jogging up the long driveway, they heard dogs barking. As they got close to the house, Mary said, “Uh oh, two Rottweilers are up and headed toward the east side of the house. Recommend you switch to the main entrance.”

  They changed directions, and ran for the front door.

  As soon as they got there, Tim started working on the door lock.

  Josh heard the barking getting closer.

  Mary said, “Dogs coming around the east side of the house.” Josh looked back over his shoulder. Initially, he didn’t see anything. Then, with his excellent night vision, he spotted the dogs skidding around the corner at full speed. Apparently, the dogs also had excellent night vision. Less than 100 feet away, they were headed straight for them.

  Josh casually asked Tim, “How’s it going?”

  Tim quietly opened the front door and entered with Josh on his heels. As they closed the door, the barking Rottweilers slid to a halt just a few feet from the door. Seconds later, the power came back on. As the outside floodlight over the entrance blinded the dogs, they stopped barking.

  Josh heard Paul say, “Sorry, it appears they do have a major battery backup system in the house.”

  Tim said, “It’s OK. We’re inside.”

  They walked quickly and quietly through the house, constantly scanning for the security guards. Climbing a flight of stairs, they headed down a wide, professionally decorated hall. Their target was a closed door at the end of the hall.

  Tim quietly cracked the door open and peeked inside. Nodding to Josh, they both slipped in and closed the door. They were in a huge, but dimly lit study. A mix of opulent over-stuffed furniture combined with the latest computer equipment — professional interior designer collides with super geek.

  Josh set the briefcase down.

  At the far end of the room, behind a huge, overly ornate desk and illuminated by multiple state-of-the-art monitors, sat their suspect. Three words came to mind — pale, pudgy and oily. Bentley wore a too-tight, designer jogging suit decorated with food stains. His stringy brown hair dangled over heavy black 3D glasses perched on a greasy nose.

  Without looking up from his monitor, Bentley said, “About frickin’ time. How long does it take to mix a simple drink? And what happened to the power? I’m pa
ying you scumbags to take care of that crap.”

  Tim had briefed Josh on the “interview” plan. They both had dual shoulder holsters under their unmarked black jackets. One held a compact, high-caliber pistol, and the other held a Taser with a laser sight.

  In a relaxed voice, Josh said, “Sorry, that may have been our fault.”

  Startled, Bentley yanked off his glasses. “Who are you?”

  Josh and Tim kept their hands close to their weapons as they saw Bentley clumsily reach under his desk for his security alarm button.

  Tim slowly backed up next to the door as Josh moved forward, continuing casually, “Mr. Bentley, we’d like to ask you some questions regarding a matter of national security.”

  Regaining his composure, Bentley asked, “Do you have a search warrant?”

  Josh said, “We just need a little information.”

  Bentley’s expression morphed into a smug smile. “I don’t know who let you in, but you’re about to be thrown out.”

  Tim stood on the hinge side of the door as Josh moved closer to Bentley’s desk. Still talking in a reasonable voice, Josh said, “We just need a few answers, and we’ll be on our way.”

  “Oh, you’ll be on your way all right, and you’ll have a lawsuit against you so fast your heads will spin. When I get finished with you, you won’t be able to write parking tickets.”

  As Bentley finished, the door flew open and two men, brandishing automatic weapons rushed in. The first was a crew cut, six-foot-four slab of muscle. The second was a slightly shorter version of the first.

  They moved toward Josh, who held his hands up.

  From behind, Tim kicked the shorter guard, who was closest to him. Hitting him hard in just the right place, Tim knocked the weapon from his hands. As the assault rifle flew free, the bigger guard spun around. Tim shot him pointblank with the Taser. At the same time, Tim finished the smaller guard off with an elbow to his face.

  As the first guard hit the wooden floor with a satisfying slap, Josh pulled his Taser from his jacket and pointed it at Bentley.

  The smaller guard stumbled backward, holding his bleeding nose. With little effort, Tim pushed him over a piece of furniture and tased him as he fell.

  One guard was unconscious on his back. The other was on his stomach, moaning. The engagement took less than three seconds, and Tim wasn’t even breathing hard. Searching the guards, Tim removed additional weapons and ejected all chambered rounds and clips.

  Josh motioned toward Bentley with his Taser. The laser spot danced across his chest. “If you would be so kind as to step away from the desk.”

  Bentley, eyes wide, sputtered in disbelief, “You ... you can’t do this. You’re violating my rights.” He weakly wound down with, “I’ll ... I’ll have your badges.”

  Josh couldn’t resist. “Badges? We don’t need no stinking badges.” Seeing Bentley didn’t recognize the movie line, he clarified, “Hayden, you see, we’re not technically government employees. In fact, we don’t actually exist.”

  The first real sign of fear appeared on Bentley’s face. “What ... what do you want?”

  Tim finished duct taping the guards’ hands, feet and mouths. Playing bad cop, he slowly and coldly said, “Move ... away ... from the desk ... now!”

  Bentley quickly came around his desk.

  After Tim patted him down for weapons, Josh pulled up a chair and waved Bentley into it.

  As he sat down, Josh said, “We know you’ve been busy with extra-curricular activities.”

  “I just do software consulting and I’m an environmental philanthropist.”

  Tim said, “That wasn’t a question.”

  Josh added, “We already know some of the jobs you’ve done: French nuclear plant, cosmetic companies, etc.”

  Beginning to sweat, Bentley said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Josh said quietly, “Hayden, I’m a pretty nice guy, but Mr. Smith ....” He shook his head. “He has ... issues.” He paused. “I know they say it’s possible to lead a perfectly normal life and even have children with only one testicle, but I think we’d all agree ... symmetry is preferable.”

  Bentley swallowed hard.

  Standing behind Bentley, Tim just rolled his eyes.

  Josh continued, “But if you cooperate and answer the questions honestly, you’ll never know we were here.”

  Tim retrieved the briefcase Josh had carried in, and opened it. He told Bentley to unzip the top of his jogging suit.

  Bentley visibly flinched.

  Josh said, “He’s just going to put some lie detector sensors on your chest ... for now.”

  Bentley unzipped his top, and Tim stuck electrodes on his chest and put a strap around his wrist.

  Tim then handed him a pair of heavy rimmed glasses. “Put these on.” A video feed inside read pupil dilation and sent it wirelessly to the iPad Tim pulled out of the briefcase.

  Josh said, “Let’s start with something small and verifiable. Did you hack into and plant viruses in several small cosmetic companies?”


  Tim looked at the display in his hand and shook his head then gave Josh a thumbs up.

  Josh said, “Thank you for calibrating the system. Remember, we already know the answer to most of these questions. Let’s try that again. Did you plant viruses in several small cosmetic companies?”

  Bentley sighed. “Yes.”

  Tim nodded as Bentley unconvincingly continued, “But only because they were testing the cosmetics on animals ... ?”

  Josh didn’t need a polygraph to know Bentley was full of it. Josh shook his head and looked specifically at Tim.

  Bentley followed Josh’s gaze and looked up.

  Tim gave him a psychotic smile.

  Tripping over his words, Bentley said, “One of the big cosmetic-makers paid me to sabotage some smaller companies to get them out of the way!”


  “I’ve done it for other companies.”

  “Who else?”

  Bentley sighed again. “I’ve done work for, uh, other organizations.”

  Josh raised an eyebrow.

  “They might have been ... organized crime.”

  Josh said, “Of course, you’ve used all this money to support environmental causes?”

  Bentley looked down. “I have an expensive lifestyle. I use the environmental angle to pick up women. I tell them I’m like Neo in The Matrix.”

  Josh coughed to avoid laughing. “That I believe.” He paused, “Now comes the most important question. I need you to tell us the truth immediately. You won’t get another chance. Do you understand?”

  Tim moved forward and put a hand on Bentley’s shoulder.

  Bentley swallowed and nodded.

  “Did you break into the CIA computer system?”


  Tim nodded.

  Bentley added quickly, “I’ve broken into several government systems and even planted viruses, but not the CIA. I’m not stupid. That’s like breaking into a police station. Why on earth would I risk that?”

  “You’re telling me you’ve never been approached by anyone to obtain classified documents from the CIA.”


  Tim nodded.

  “And even if I had, I wouldn’t do it.”

  Bentley looked up and saw Tim frown.

  Bentley corrected, “OK ... I might, but they’d have to pay me an insane amount to take that kind of risk.” He ended defiantly, “I’ve never tried to hack the CIA.”

  Tim walked over to Josh. While watching Bentley, they spoke quietly.

  Then Josh said to Bentley, “Phones have to be turned off and surrendered before entering the CIA computer room. Disguised as an update to the iMagine app, a program turned a phone back on after it had been set aside. It accessed a short-range Bluetooth signal, broke through several levels of encryption, stole some files, turned itself off and then transmitted the files once outside.”

  Bentley, clearly
caught up in the idea, said, “Wow. That’s impressive.” He frowned. “The phone was actually turned off and it turned itself on?”

  Josh nodded.

  Bentley said, “Got to be BOTIC.”

  Josh frowned. “BOTIC?”

  “Yeah, the chip that fixed the bandwidth problem. It’s the only thing I know of that might be able to turn a phone back on.” He paused and then asked, “You said they used the iMagine app?”

  Josh nodded again.

  Bentley said, “The programmers at iMagination must have cracked BOTIC.” He slapped his forehead. “Of course. That explains their market domination!” Bentley stopped. “Wait a minute. It was Armani, wasn’t it? Armani put you onto me!”

  Josh didn’t say anything, but Bentley continued, “That scumbag! You want to know who has the resources to do what you just described? Ask Ryan Armani!” As Bentley went on a rant, describing Armani in colorful terms, Tim nodded to Josh.

  Bentley finally sputtered to a stop, and Josh asked, “And why would Armani want to nail you?”

  “Because I ... I played a minor practical joke on him.” He shook his head dismissively. “He had the hots for this girl who worked with us, but she really liked me more. Ryan has a tendency to talk to himself when no one’s around. I recorded the whole conversation and posted it on YouTube. It was hilarious.” He shrugged. “But he got real pissy about it.”

  Bentley, not seeing amusement in their faces, continued, “But the real reason he’d send you my way is because he’s one of the few people that has the ability to pull something like that off.” He frowned. “He’s probably not smart enough to do it by himself, but they’ve got some smart programmers ... and I know he likes very expensive antiques.”

  Josh said, “How do we know you’re not trying to do the same thing to him? You’d sell your mother to the highest bidder.”

  Bentley shrugged. “Probably, she wasn’t much of a mother.”

  Josh just shook his head.

  Bentley continued, “But your lie detector will show I’m telling the truth. If someone actually figured out how to hack the BOTIC chip,” he gave them an oily smile, “I’m the least of your worries.”