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Imagine (Fuzed Trilogy Book 2) Page 18
Imagine (Fuzed Trilogy Book 2) Read online
Page 18
As they separated, Jessica saw her father standing just inside the door. He was watching her intently with an inscrutable expression. Relatively tall and solidly built, he had close-cropped, salt-and-pepper hair and a handsome but serious face. The one thing she remembered about him was his ramrod-straight posture. Jessica acknowledged him with a simple nod. He nodded back, turned and went inside.
Jessica took off her shoes and followed her mother down a tiled hall into the living room. It was a mix of traditional and contemporary. The floor was light-colored marble. The walls were simple white, contrasted by beautiful painted landscapes, hung close to the ceiling.
Looking further into the house’s open floor plan, she saw large windows overlooking what appeared to be an open central courtyard. The courtyard was right in the middle of the house. With a small garden and the sun reflecting off a little pond, it looked very tranquil. She didn’t have the patience for gardening, but that didn’t stop her from appreciating it.
As she sat next to her mother on a plush leather sofa, a servant put tea on the small table in front of them. Her father, who hadn’t said a word, sat in a chair opposite them.
She exchanged small talk with her mother for several minutes. Jessica found her Chinese a little rusty and was sometimes at a loss for the right word. Except for talking to her mother on the phone, she’d hardly spoken Chinese since she graduated from high school, and only then because the Chinese relatives she lived with insisted.
After a natural pause in the conversation, Jessica got to the point. Turning to face her father, she said, “In answer to your unasked question of why I’m here,” she took a deep breath, “I received a visit from a couple of NSA agents, Tim Smith and Josh Fuze, and an engineer named Greg Langlois. They all but accused me of creating the BOTIC chip to allow a backdoor for hackers.”
Her father said, “Did you?”
Jessica’s eyes flashed, but she kept her voice steady. “You don’t understand. They suspect that the Chinese government is behind it.”
He shook his head dismissively. “That’s ridiculous.”
“Is it? Look at what’s been happening in the world. All the recent hacking events took advantage of my chip and—”
He snorted derisively. “These are just stunts and anyone stupid enough to post private information on the Internet, gets what they deserve.”
She kept her voice level. “Maybe, but China is the only place where these things haven’t happened.”
“Really? My BOTIC chip is manufactured in China, yet China is the only country in the world that doesn’t allow the chip to be used in their phones.”
He put his hand down firmly on the table next to him. “We had nothing to do with these attacks.”
Jessica said, “Are you sure?”
His expression stayed the same, but his eyes flashed. “You have no right to question me.”
“I’m an American; I can question whatever I want!”
“You’re not in America.” He shook his head. “This is how you show respect?”
She was incredulous. “Respect! Why should I give respect to people who have no respect for me?” She shook her head. “I was a second-class citizen behind my lazy brother. Nothing I did was ever good enough for you. You didn’t need a daughter; you had a number one son!”
She felt her eyes getting glassy, but fought it. She wouldn’t cry, not in front of this man.
He said, “I wanted a daughter.”
She yelled, “You wanted a doormat!”
He angrily shook his head and almost shouted, “How could you give up your citizenship? How could you become a traitor to your own people?”
Jessica felt her face flush as the adrenaline rose. She shouted back, “What citizenship? I was never a Chinese citizen! You dumped me in another country and forgot about me. You threw me away like garbage! What did you think would happen?”
Her father’s mouth opened, but nothing came out. He looked like someone punched him in the stomach. Jessica, ready to release another salvo, stopped, surprised by his reaction.
“Enough!” Her mother said with force. “You both seem to enjoy hurting each other.” She looked at each of them and said more calmly. “This time, there’s more at stake.”
Jessica started to reply, but her mother shut her down with a look.
Her father stood up slowly and walked out of the room.
For the first time, she noticed he was getting old.
After he left, her mother sighed and asked when she had eaten last.
She shook her head, too angry to think about food. “I don’t know, but I’m not hungry.”
Her mother, looking at her with concern, said, “You need to eat something. I’ll be right back.”
As her mother went into the kitchen, Jessica took a deep breath. To help her settle down, she did something familiar and checked her phone.
There was a new text. “Are you all right?”
She texted back, “Yes, Jen, I’m fine. Why do you ask?”
“Your dad said mean things to you.”
She shook her head as she texted, “Jen, you shouldn’t eavesdrop on other people’s conversations. We’ve talked about this. It’s not nice, and it’s not legal.”
Jen texted back, “I’m sorry. I was worried. I promise I won’t do it again.”
Jessica sighed. “It’s OK, but please don’t worry about me. I’m fine. It’s a little complicated. I’ll try to explain it to you later.” They’d been texting just before she arrived, so Jen knew about the meeting. Most phones were always in listen mode so they could accept voice commands. Somehow, Jen had managed to keep their connection live and listen in. This little girl was unquestionably a genius, and from what Jessica knew about her situation, her family was ignoring her too. That probably explained why Jen had sought her out, and why Jessica had taken her under her wing as her little protégé.
Jen texted, “Josh Fuze, Tim Smith and Greg Langlois are in Shanghai.”
Startled, Jessica texted back, “Are you sure?”
“They just got to their hotel.”
“Jen, how do you know that?”
“I talk to Josh a lot. He’s very nice to me. I love him.”
Frowning, she texted, “How do you know him?”
There was a slight pause. “We were both designed.”
She typed back, “Designed? I don’t understand.”
Jen replied, “I think we were both designed to help people.”
Jessica, picturing Josh, remembered one of her first thoughts was that he was multi-racial and clearly part Asian. She also remembered everything that Greg had said about his abilities. She was trying to get her arms around the idea, when her mother came back with soup and a bowl of fruit. Impulsively, Jessica told her about Jen and showed her the text. Although her mother spoke only broken English, as with many scientists, she read English quite well.
After her mother read the texts, Jessica asked, “Is this possible?”
Avoiding eye contact with her daughter, she said, “Anything is possible.”
With narrowed eyes, Jessica asked, “Mother, do you know something about this?”
“Jessica, I’m a geneticist ....” She stopped and then said, “May I please show this to your father?” She paused. “He is a high-ranking general in the People’s Army.”
Surprised, Jessica said, “He is?” She realized how little she knew about her parents. She also knew this text might help him realize how serious the situation was, but she found herself illogically not wanting to share anything with him. She nodded grudgingly.
Her mother left the room and after a few minutes came back with her father.
Jessica gave her phone back to her mother, who in turn, showed it to her husband.
He read it quickly.
She forgot that her father had earned a graduate degree in the U.S.
Her mother emphasized to him that Josh Fuze was the NSA agent who had interrogated their daught
Her father glanced at her.
She couldn’t help but notice for the first time his expression didn’t carry disdain. For a second, he almost looked ... concerned. Then, his mask returned, and he said, “I need to inform the authorities.”
Jessica couldn’t resist. “I thought you were the authorities.”
Surprisingly, he reacted with the slightest of smiles, which Jessica took as an implied “touché.” He turned to leave, saying, “Stay here.”
Before she could retort, he added, “For your own protection.”
After he was gone, she said, “And why did you marry him?”
Her mother laughed and then answered the question with a question. “And is there someone in your life?”
Jessica shrugged. “No ... not really.”
Her mother raised her eyebrows in question.
She sighed. “Remember the original Blaster team in Antarctica that saved London? A young engineer got the software to work at the last minute and figured out how to get the lasers to fire in two different frequencies almost simultaneously.”
Her mother smiled. “I remember the actor who played him in the made-for-TV movie.”
Jessica laughed. “Well, Greg Langlois is that engineer. He was with Fuze and Smith. They assigned him to work with me in order to figure out how the chip worked.”
“He’s kind of cute, and I think he really likes me.”
“Do you have a picture of him?”
“I have one I pulled off the internet from a press interview.” She showed it to her mother. “This isn’t a very good picture at all. He dresses a lot better now.”
Her mother smiled. “He’s cute and he’s black.”
With a wry smile, Jessica said, “Father will have a stroke.”
Her mother, matching her smile, shrugged.
“But it doesn’t bother you?”
She laughed. “Jessica, I’m a geneticist! We all came out of Africa, just at different times.” Smiling, she added, “He’s a brilliant, courageous engineer like you. I will have beautiful, genius grandchildren.”
Shaking her head, Jessica said, “We barely know each other.” Smiling, she added, “But ... thanks.” She held her mother’s hands in hers.
Then, looking serious, she said, “OK, Mother, what do you really know about genetically engineered humans?”
General Li sat in the reception area talking to his wife on the phone, when the secretary signaled him. As he turned his phone off, he was ushered into a small but opulent conference room. Li bowed and shook hands with his old friend Wong Look, the Chinese Premier. Li said, “Thank you for seeing me on such short notice. I knew you were in Shanghai, and this is of the utmost importance.” He proceeded to explain everything he’d learned from his daughter.
As he finished, the Premier said, “I’ve spoken to President Jiang recently. We know the West thinks we’re involved with the hacking, but we only recently learned they believed it was all done through your daughter’s chip.” He nodded. “It explains the escalation.”
Li frowned. “We are being accused based on nothing but circumstantial evidence.” He paused. “But I’m afraid it paints a damaging picture. There are too many coincidences. Even the international media is looking at us with suspicion.”
Matching his frown, the Premier said, “I’m very curious about these NSA agents.” He paused. “We may want them brought in for questioning.”
Li said, “They are accompanying Greg Langlois, the young engineer credited with helping save London. Arresting him might be awkward, and ....”
The Premier noticed his hesitation and gently prompted. “Yes?”
Li shook his head. “My wife just suggested that my daughter and he may be interested in each other.”
The Premier smiled gently. “No need to be embarrassed, old friend. Times change. We can no longer guide our children as we were guided.” He paused. “It would only escalate tensions if we were to detain Mr. Langlois, and I’m sure he’s simply being used as a cover. We must, however, determine what the Americans are planning.”
Li asked, “Do you think these agents would have that information?”
“I don’t know, but it’s very unusual for them to send NSA agents into China.”
Li nodded and then carefully asked, “Have you heard anything unusual about our special units or the cyber warfare teams?”
The Premier smiled. “I thought they were under your purview.”
Li sighed. “I’m not sure they’re really part of the People’s Liberation Army.”
The Premier nodded thoughtfully. “May I suggest you pay a visit to General Zeng and his ... kids at the Unit?”
With a slight frown, Li nodded.
The Premier continued, “I’ll inform President Jiang and have the Ministry of State Security pick up the NSA agents.”
As the valet brought their car around, Josh watched Tim surveying the hotel lobby.
Tim casually got into the driver’s seat, Josh in the passenger’s and Greg in the back. Tim pulled out the same small electronic device he used in the hotel. “Car doesn’t appear to be bugged, but we were being watched in the lobby.”
It was getting dark as they left the hotel. They hadn’t driven more than a few blocks when Josh glanced back and asked. “Are we being followed?”
Tim nodded.
Greg said, “How are we going to get to Jessica’s with someone following us?”
Looking intently at his side and rearview mirrors, Tim said quietly, “We’re not. In addition to the one following us, two more are coming up on the side.”
Greg asked, “Where are we going?”
Tim said, “I don’t think they plan to let us go anywhere. They’re waiting for a clear area so they can box us in and take us.”
Josh asked, “You sure?”
“Not yet.” Tim turned abruptly down a narrow side street and accelerated. They heard brakes squeal behind them. Looking back, Josh saw a black Audi back up and turn to follow them. As Tim hit the next intersection, he looked both ways and then ran the light, narrowly missing a car.
Still looking behind, Josh saw two identical cars in single file, chasing them. The first one also ran the light, but wasn’t as lucky. They heard screeching tires and a loud bang as a car hit their pursuer and spun him around. Their second pursuer managed to maneuver around the wreck and continue the chase.
Tim shook his head. “I expected government interest, but not this soon or this aggressive.”
Taking the next turn too fast, they slid sideways, as did Greg across the back seat. Hitting a curb, Greg’s head bounced off the ceiling.
Josh, glancing back, said, “Seatbelts.” Then to Tim, “You sure they’re government?”
Greg yelled as they narrowly missed a pedestrian.
Tim said, “Classic MSS tactics and black Audi A6s are their favorite.” He accelerated and darted through traffic.
From somewhere in the backseat they heard, “MSS?”
Josh said, “Ministry of State Security ... kind of like the CIA and FBI combined.” Josh shook his head. “Guess this answers our question about Chinese involvement.”
Tim pulled a small piece of paper out of his shirt pocket and handed it to Josh. “Navigate us here. If I can shake ‘em, we can lay low at this safe house until we figure out what’s going on.”
Josh donned his cyber glasses and read the location to his digital assistant. The results came back quickly. Josh said, “Keep going in this direction. It’s about five klicks past the Grand Plaza.”
At a small side street, Tim turned abruptly across the oncoming traffic lanes, forcing the cars to lock up their brakes and slide to a stop. The traffic jam created by his maneuver, hung up their pursuer.
As they sped away, Josh said, “I think you lost ‘em.”
Greg said, “I think I’m going to be sick.”
Tim slowed down and drove at a more normal rat
e, but as they turned onto a main boulevard, four black A6s came out of nowhere and flanked them on both sides. As two of them pulled slightly ahead, Tim shook his head. “Nowhere to go.”
Suddenly, all four A6s slowed to a stop as their lights went out.
Looking back with surprise, Josh said, “Looks like someone just turned their engines off.” Seeing Greg with his geek cap and cyber glasses, he asked, “Did you do that?”
Greg said, “Any modern car can be disabled if you have access and the right codes.” He shook his head. “But I had nothing to do with that.” He looked at Tim. “Is that a CIA trick?”
“Probably, but I didn’t do it either.” He frowned. “Must be our local people.”
After a few minutes, they entered the Grand Plaza. Across the square, they saw several conventional police cars with blue and red lights flashing. Tim shook his head. “Roadblock.”
Josh’s phone vibrated, and in his glasses, he saw a text from Jen. “Elton Musk’s Shanghai headquarters is in a building off the Plaza.” It even included nav app directions. She was an amazing kid.
He told Tim.
Tim looked around and said, “We have to proceed on foot.” He pulled the car into an illegal parking place and said, “Let’s go.”
They jumped out and jogged to the east. They were almost to the end of the block when they heard a car slam on its brakes behind them. Glancing back, Josh saw a black A6 stopped next to their car.
All three of them ducked around the corner of a building and caught their breath. Greg said, “They found our car. Think they saw us?”
Tim said, “Doesn’t matter. They know we’re on foot. They’ll have this entire area cordoned off within minutes.”
With cyber glasses still on, Josh said, “Hal. Voice-text Elton Musk, via encryption.”
Almost immediately, he heard, “Ready.”
“Elton, it’s Josh. Once again, need help quickly!”
Tim said, “That’s his building over there.” He looked around and said, “We gotta move. Greg, stay between Josh and me. Go!”
As they ran down the block, Josh heard the voice text reply in his earpiece, “Glad to hear rumors of your demise greatly exaggerated. How can I help?”